GEOID2022 Data Download
Content last updated 2/21/2024
The Alpha GEOID2022 prototype data is available for download in two formats, ASCII and .b. Additional grids and tools will be available in the near future. Use the buttons and instructions below to download and read the data.
Data Releases
Instructions for reading data ASCII Data sets
- read (*,*) xlatmin,xlonmin,dphi,dlam,ilat,ilon
- Do I=1,ilat
- xlat=xlatmin+(i-1)*dphi
- read(*,*) (undu(i,j),j=1,ilon)
- do j=1,ilon
- xlon=xlonmin+(j-1)*dlam
Instructions for reading the .b data set
- real*8 xlatmin,xlonmin,dphi,dlam
- real*4 undu(5401,10801)
- read (*) xlatmin,xlonmin,dphi,dlam,ilat,ilon
- Do I=1,ilat
- xlat=xlatmin+(i-1)*dphi
- read(*) (undu(i,j),j=1,ilon)
- do j=1,ilon
- xlon=xlonmin+(j-1)*dlam
The pseudo-code for combining SGEOID and DGEOID
At a user provided location (latitude/longitude), both SGEOID and DGEOID grids are interpolated and then combined as follows based on a user-specified epoch (mjdn):
GEOID = SGEOID + DGEOID*(mjdn-58849)/365.25
where mjdn is the modified Julian day determined according to the following:
- #The // symbol denotes integer division, e.g. 4//3 = 1 and 2//3 = 0.
- #MJD 58849 corresponds to midnight, January 1st, 2020 or the 2020.0 epoch of the static geoid
- a = (14 - month)//12
- y = year + 4800 - a
- m = month + 12*a - 3
- jdn = day + (153*m+2)//5 + 365*y + y//4 - y//100 + y//400 - 32045
- mjdn = jdn - 2400001