Legislation. A template is available to aid states in updating legislation for the Modernized NSRS, including SPCS2022. Examples of actual new state legislation are available for download. See the Get Prepared web page for more information.
Linear units. Only the international foot definition (1 foot = 0.3048 meter exactly) will be supported for SPCS2022 (and all other components of the Modernized NSRS), per SPCS2022 Policy. The U.S. survey foot definition will only be supported for legacy applications (such as SPCS 83 and 27). See the final determination Federal Register Notice for more information.
SPCS2022 definitions in the ISO Geodetic Registry and EPSG. Once SPCS2022 definitions are officially finalized, NGS will work with standards organizations to provide them to various registries. These include the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Geodetic Registry and the European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) Geodetic Parameter Dataset.
UTM and USNG. The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system and the United States National Grid (USNG) are not NGS products. However, NGS currently provides UTM and USNG coordinates and will continue to do so in the Modernized NSRS. The definitions of UTM and USNG will not change as part of modernizing the NSRS. But UTM and USNG coordinates provided by NGS will change by the that the 2022 NSRS Terrestrial Reference Frames latitude and longitude differ from NAD 83. The change will be about 1-2 meters in most areas, and up to about 4 m in some locations.
NGS Webinars on State Plane and the U.S. Survey Foot